Ecuador 1660000 Travel Map International Maps An

Ecuador 1660,000 Travel Map International Travel Maps An
Ecuador 1660,000 Travel Map International Travel Maps An

It’s easy to travel to Ecuador. All you need is a passport and a ticket. No visa is necessary for American citizens, and there are plenty of direct daily flights from Atlanta, Houston, Miami and New York to Quito (capital) or Guayaquil (port) you can enter ecuador from her neighboring countries of Peru and Colombia or via international routes to her airports as long as your passport documents are in order. You can also enter by foot or bicycle if you wish. To see dozens of animal, insects, or avian wildlife as you never have before, or to hike the Galapagos Islands, climb a volcano, or go swim

Feast your eyes and your imagination on ancient Incan ruins. A country with a rich and diverse history and culture, ecuador offers a variety of adventures, landmarks, and scenic delights to please individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

“Ecuador is a warm, friendly country that offers more than beautiful landscapes and beach getaways,” says Pramod Goel, CEO and Founder of PlacidWay, an international medical resource for international travelers. “We’re happy to join our efforts with Med travel to offer medical travelers around the world the best in medical services, procedures and technologies for optimal health and wellness.”